【同义词辨析】 2019-04-11 美丽beautiful-fair
beautiful: applies to whatever excites the keenest pleasure to the senses and stirs intellectual or spiritual emotion: ~ mountain scenery. 美beauty是思想或精神领域的概念, intellectual智力脑力知识的,这里翻译成思想上
lovely: applies to a narrower range of emotional excitation rather than to intellectual or spiritual pleasure: a ~ melody.
handsome: suggests aesthetic pleasure resulting from proportion, symmetry, or elegance: a ~ Georgian mansion. 格鲁吉亚式
pretty: applies to superficial or insubstantial attractiveness that pleases by its delicacy, grace, or charm: a painter of conventionally ~ scenes. 场景 delicate精致精细,grace优雅大度,charm魅力魔力,三个都是褒义词表示有吸引力
comely: is like handsome in suggesting cool approval rather than emotional response: the ~ grace of a dancer. cool这里表示"平静",但不是冷淡
fair: suggests beauty based on purity, flawlessness, or freshness: looking for fashion models with ~ faces.
beautiful美丽: 指能激发人强烈的愉悦感,以及思想和精神上的热情,lovely可爱: 比beautiful(激动愉悦的)范围窄,不涉及思想和精神方面,handsome英俊帅气: 指比例协调对称优雅而给人美感(aesthetic审美的美学的),pretty漂亮: 表示外表的吸引力---精致优雅有魅力,comely也是漂亮: 和handsome一样表示平静的认可,而不是激动的反应,fair无瑕: 表示纯洁无瑕鲜亮的美
记忆方法: 1)首字母blhpcf重组成HPL FCB很漂亮非常棒<==美丽 "美"是会意字,从羊从大,本义指1、味道好、香甜甘美,引申为2、漂亮、好看 3、抽象表示令人愉快,令人满意的,如美好回忆成人之美物美价廉美德 "丽"的繁体"麗"由鹿字和两张兽皮组成,指鹿皮的美丽。还表示华美漂亮。如丽质秀丽艳丽风和日丽。 美和丽表示华美漂亮时同义,"丽"多用于容貌、服饰、颜色等方面,而"美"的意义却宽泛得多,既可以用于具体事物,又可以用于抽象事物
3)美丽的意思是指给人感觉或审美上的愉悦mean sensuously or aesthetically pleasing.首字母HPL FCB想成很漂亮 非常棒<==美丽 ((审)美学是研究美感艺术品味的哲学分支aesthetics is a branch of philosophy concerned with the study of beauty, art, and taste,其中art艺术是人们创造create美,taste品味是人们欣赏appreciate美。就是说美学研究三个方面,1) 怎样算作美丽 2)怎样创造美丽 3)怎样欣赏美丽)